Starting today, November 18, 2023 and until next December 7, the registration period is open to participate in the murgas contest of the Santoña 2024 carnival.
- The registration forms for the same can be found in the registry of the Santoña City Council.
- Registrations will be made on the official model, transcribed to this report and in a sealed envelope.
- Registrations may be submitted by mail and by any of the means permitted by law.
- Submission by any means other than direct submission to the Registry of Document Entry of the City Council will oblige the participating murga to send within 24 hours an email to the City Council, to the following address:
-The Rules and Regulations of the aforementioned contest can be consulted at the notice board of the Hon. Santoña City Council.
Source: Official Gazette of Cantabria, Ayto. Santoña